Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Patch and Birthdays!

Taelyn  is 17 months now and I can hardly believe it. She loves to talk and express her emotions in so many ways. Her new word is shirt. I'll give you one guess as to what it sounds like? I know she is saying "shirt" though because it's always when she sees a shirt. We were in target the other day and as I was picking up a shirt for me to try on she kept repeating it... "shirt..shirt..shit...shit..shit!! " I looked around and of course there had to be two other moms standing right next to me giving me the eye. Yep, Mother of the year award right here folks! lol. She's is pushing the boundaries and testing my patients,all part of being the mother of a toddler. However, she is sweet and mellow for the most part. I just always try and avert the inevitable melt down by making sure she is fed and rested. She LOVES books!! I always have books stashed in my diaper bag and the car because she will read anywhere. If I have to get some shopping done I bring a few books and can usually finish before shes done looking at all of them. If you are sitting on the couch she will go over to her toy area and bring you a book and climb onto your lap and wait for you to start reading to her . I guess I should be stoked she loves such a quiet activity :).

She also loves to dance and listen to music.I put music on when I'm cooking and most of the time I find her spinning around in circles and stomping her feet, the cutest thing ever.That's what shes up to these days. We have had a very busy month. My birthday, Taelyn's bff Gwen's 1st birthday and lots of other fall activities. We took her to the pumpkin patch and she was able to really enjoy it this year, such a fun age shes at. She rode the pony, went to petting zoo, picked out a pumpkin and had a blast. We went twice. Once with her group of Tae's baby friends and once with the family, my sister-in-law and nephew. Alexander is 5 months older then Taelyn and they are supper cute together. I love that she has a cousin close in age she can grow up with. Here are some of the pictures from this month.

Fall 2010
Fall 2011

Daddy and Tae 2010

Daddy and Tae 2011

My Little Pumpkin.
Gwen's 1st Birthday!
All Tae's Friends. (Tae is in the lamb costume)
Helping Mama with her Birthday cake that Daddy made!

The family dinner.
The next day all my ladies and I went and got mani/pedis and had an amazing lunch.

Happy 29th Birthday to Mommy!
I find myself rocking Taelyn to sleep a lot more now, I stopped rocking her to sleep when I stopped bf and I guess I just started to miss our intimate cuddle time at night before bed. She is so precious and growing so fast. It's funny that as a mom you try so hard to do everything just right. So much info out there that says what to do and what not to. I sometimes listen but lately I've found this "gut instinct" every other mom has told me about and I tend to stick with whatever it tells me. Right now it's telling me the moments spent in the dark rocking my daughter to sleep are moments I will never get back and I should soak up every last one!

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