Monday, October 24, 2011

The Joys of Motherhood!

I'm really trying to keep up with the blog and every time I think about sitting down to write a post something needs to be done and I put it off. Taelyn is currently talking to herself in her crib and this usually last for about 20 min or so until she falls asleep (because of recent events I'm trying to minimize how long she is in there unattended for, but I'll get to that later). This is kinda new..before I would be able to just turn on her music, lay her down and in 5 minutes not a peep. Which leads me to believe she is starting to phase out 2 naps a day to just one. Selfishly I don't want to give up the morning nap yet because it's when I get to enjoy a cup of coffee, a shower or watch the news etc. Its my favorite time of day to myself. Oh well.
  So, about a week ago I laid Tae down for her morning nap and decided to take a shower. I could hear her babbling to herself on the monitor. I took a quick shower and when I got out she was still awake. I got dressed and started to get ready for the day, about 20 mins had gone by and she was still talking to herself. I decided to go in and see if I could rock her or soothe her to sleep. I was not prepared for what I saw and smelt when I opened her door. (Disclaimer: This is absolutely disgusting and I'm semi embarrassed to even be sharing this story but kids will be kids and now its kinda funny) She had taken off her pj shorts and her cloth diaper and thrown them on the floor and pooped in her crib and was playing with it!!!! Now I have heard other moms tell me this happened to them but I never imagined it would to me. It just never crossed my mind. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...I could do nothing else but cry.
  For those of you who know me well, I can be a tad bit dramatic at times but this called for tears!! I SWEAR! I had no idea where to start or how to even begin to clean her or the mess. It was everywhere....IN her ears, socks, hands, hair on the wall behind her crib, in the sheets on the blankets on the crib.....I wanted to shut the door and pray it away. It took me almost 2 hours to clean it all up and I felt like I could still smell it on me and her and everywhere, although I'm sure that wasn't the case. So, if I learned anything from this experience it is to buy a video monitor, don't put them to sleep with out a onesie or something they wont be able to take off themselves and should this happen to you take em out back and hose them off. I put her in the shower cause I didn't need my neighbors calling CPS on me for hosing off my poopy daughter in the backyard but then I spent the next hour bleaching my bathroom and my shower. UGH!!!!
  I called my husband to tell him what happened and as he was laughing hysterically all he said was "Did you take a picture?" Is he serious??? OMG! hahaha I guess it's kinda funny. I didn't take a picture and am glad I didn't. That's not a moment I want to relive. The wine drinking started early that day. The Joys of Motherhood!

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