Friday, December 16, 2011

The Holidays 2011

I really am bad about this blog updating thing. I want to do it way more than I have time to do it. So its been awhile. Taelyn turned 18 months November 21st and I must admit I feel a little badly the day came and went and we didn't do anything special for her. It feels like we should have, oh well. I can't believe she is 1 1/2 years old! Just blows my mind how quickly that snuck up on us. We spent our Thanksgiving up in Big Bear where Nick's family has a cabin. We love it up there, there is no cable, barley any cell reception, no computer we just sit by the fire, take walks, cook, eat and drink. AMAZING!

Earlier in the month we took Taelyn to the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony at  the mall. They do a little show, Santa is there and the have fake snow and fireworks. We went last year and she mostly slept, this year kinda the same. She looks so tired in the pictures but she was a trooper.

I love all the trees up there! That's Jade one of our dogs.
Taking a walk before we head home.

Uncle Josh and Tae at the cabin
Uncle Josh singing and playing guitar with Taelyn, P.S. that's his wife's guitar, he doesn't rock a pink guitar I swear.

Thought the lighting in this pic was so cool.

We put up our tree as soon as we got back from the cabin. (Nick's birthday is on he 28th of Nov. and he has a rule no xmas decorating until after his birthday, weirdo) It was a challenge to figure out how we were going to keep Tae away from the tree but I think we figured it out (giant baby gate) .

Read the ornament, we got this the year I was pregnant! So cute!
Anytime you put a bow in here hair she says, "awe, pretty" So I put them all in there!

We are getting very excited for chirstmas and I cant wait to see Tae open all her gifts. I have a really hard time trying not to go overboard with the presents, it can be pretty easy to do. She is the princess of the world after all, or at least we think so. hehe.

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