Sunday, July 17, 2011

Swim Lessons!

We stared Taelyn in swim lessons. She LOVES her bath time and always has. So why wouldn't she love swimming! I think its because I started making that a part of her nightly routine so early on. Now she almost needs a bath every night before bed to relax and calm her. Which is totally fine with me because that's my favorite time of day when she is all clean and smelling good and we read stories or cuddle.
 I love to swim also and love the water and want her to be as comfortable around it as possible. The Babies Splash swim program at the school we go to teaches life saving skills at this age. How to float, be underwater and hold onto the edge of the pool.  She has done very well so far and last week was her 1st time going under the water!! It was a little nerve wrecking for me but she did great and came up smiling! Here are just a few pictures I had someone take for me.
Blowing Bubbles...we are still working on that!
                                                    Look at the those chubby legs!!
                                             Coming up from going under! YAY Tae!!
                                          Crab walking along the side...she holds on tight
                                                        This is her favortie!!!

I hope we can keep going to swim for awhile so at least she has the basics down for next summer and we dont have to start all over again. The nice thing about the swim school is its all indoors so you can come year round! It also nice for us white girls too (Tae and I). Nick and I had so hope she would have his skin but oh well! SPF 50 it is!

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