Wednesday, July 6, 2011

1st Post!

Okay, So first things first. I should warn all who are about to read and will hopefully continue to read my blog that I'm in NO way, shape or form any type of writer. I have always enjoyed it but never felt I was very good at it. So laugh if you must at my punctuation, spelling, grammar etc. its okay, I laugh at it too. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way we can get to why I finally decided to write a blog.

I had started one when I first became pregnant to keep my family that's scattered all over the country up to speed with my pregnancy and post pictures of my growing belly, nursery etc. I was doing pretty well until about the 8th month and then I just gave up! So now with some incentive to eventually turn this into a book for Taelyn to look back at I feel I am up for the task.

Now for the hard part...What to write about? Taelyn is a sweet, outgoing and albeit a strong willed little girl (not sure where she gets that from). We have enjoyed the first year of her life so much and I just cant say enough about being a mother. My whole life I knew I always wanted to be a mother and felt I would be a great one. I have an amazing mother myself and she always made it look so easy. She is patient, understanding and kind and you feel her love for you always. I wanted nothing more than to show that kind of love to my child. Taelyn has made me a better person, she has made me feel deeper, love stronger and live better. She is my whole world and I wouldn't have it any other way.

We try and keep ourselves pretty busy now that leaving the house is a much simpler task. When she was a newborn it just all seemed too much to leave the house and expose her to all the germs. Inevitably I would forget something I needed in the diaper bag (or should I say suitcase) and I always felt the need to cover her carrier up with a blanket even though she wasn't sleeping to protect her from everything. As if a paper thin receiving blanket was going to shield her from anything ( a little neurotic wouldn't you say?)

Now a days she is my little shopping partner and I think I have successfully figure out a way to keep her entertained while we are out. (Give here whatever she wants, phone, wallet, keys etc.) hahaha j/k :). She tends to get a little restless now that she is mobile. She also loves to walk around in the backyard and chase the dogs, look at the plants, play with the rocks we have and totally freak mom out when she tries to eat them!! We have play dates with her other little friends. Her BFF is Gwenny Rose! That's my Best Friend Kristen's baby and they play together the most. Kristen and I were pregnant at the same time and our girls our just 5 months apart. They both have red/strawberry blonde/brunette hair! Its so cute to see them interact together now that they are close to the same developmental stages.

Taelyn seems very advanced for her age and I know what your thinking...every mother thinks their child is the smartest, but I assure you that she really does do things I don't see other one year olds doing. For example: She knows her body parts and she wont just point to them she will walk right up to you and point to your eye and say "eye" point to your nose and say "nose" and ears and say "ears" you get the drift... She also walks around with my cell phone held up to her ear and babbles on it making facial expressions and squealing with delight as if she is talking to some on the other end. It's the funniest thing. I just know she is destined for greatness and I can't help but brag.

I hope to do a new post about every week or so and keep everyone posted on all that is Taelyn!

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