Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cloth Mama...

So, since I started cloth diapering I have had so many friends and family ask me what its all about? Why on earth would I do it ? Do you use safety pins? Do you have a diaper service? Doesn't it smell, get everywhere, and all around just suck? finally my favorite question.... WHERE DOES THE POOP GO?

I thought I would break in down for everyone in this weeks blog. First off I haven't always cloth diapered. In fact I'm I guess what you called a new be. I started when Taelyn was about 9 1//2 months old, some of my cd'ing (cloth diapering) mama friends might say I took the easier route. Having not done it with a newborn...because as I'm sure most of you know, newborns poop on the hour every hour. In any case it had never even crossed my mind to cloth diaper when I was pregnant. I know my mom did it with me and that was the thing to do back then but I never thought to myself "oh, yes sign me up for that!"
It all started when one of my moms group friends was explaining the whole process to another one of moms group friends. She started by showing her all the diapers, how to clean them etc. I asked her why she used cloth and she began to tell me just some of the reasons and that I should really look into and research it for myself. I was really stunned to find out what I did. It was enough for me to want to make a change. Not to mention the financial aspect, Nick and I are always trying to save a buck and since I'm a stay at home mom and would like to keep it that way for as long as we can manage it was nice to know the money we would be saving.
It was a daunting task at first and I felt very overwhelmed with all the different products and brands of diapers and how to clean them properly. It would seem pretty elementary but it can be confusing at first. So, far I am very happy with my choice and I feel it works for us for right now. I would urge anyone who is interested to read up on it and see if its something that might fit into their life style. Cause I'm in no way here to preach about cd'ing or try and convert you moms out there! Just wanted to clear up a few questions. So......
1st question: I think I explained the why part and here are some links to some websites I found helpful when thinking of making the switch.

2nd question: Cloth diapers have come such a long long long way from the days of prefolds, safety pins and plastic diaper covers, all of which are still around but not necessary. There are adorable prints and best of all the diapers I buy are one size fits all with adjustable snaps. So that means no buying diapers for the next kid either, assuming this one is out of diapers when the next one comes along. Which is also an added bonus, research shows that cloth diapered babies potty train way faster too.

3rd question:I wash all the diapers myself its as easy as throwing in a load of regular laundry and hanging them out to dry. You do have to buy special detergent and wash them in a hot cycle but its not bad at all. I store the diapers in a diaper pail lined with a anti bacterial liner outside in my garage and wash the diapers every other day.

4th question: I don't hardly notice a smell and too me it not any worse than having a diaper pail in her room and having to smell that. If it did smell at least its outside and not in my daughters room. It doesn't get anywhere I have had less blow outs  and leaks since she has been in cloth. If you wash the cloth the right way and find the right size and fit of diaper for your little one its prefect!

5th question: WHERE DOES THE POOP GO??? Well where else would it go??? down the toilet....duh!  I have a diaper sprayer also which hooks up the the back of your toilet tank and you simply hold the diaper over the toilet and spray off and remains throw it in the pail outside and your golden!

 Hope I have satisfied your quest for knowledge about my experiences as a cloth mama! I really do like it and think its worked out to be a lot better for Tae and for our wallets. :)

1 comment:

  1. People are so funny when it comes to cloth! We are on a cloth break due to bad ammonia issues but I LOVE cloth diapering!
