Monday, August 22, 2011

Temper Tantrums...Oh boy!

!&*$ !!!!!!!!!!!! That's my four letter word for what I think about these sudden outbursts of crying,screaming,kicking and arching of the back that have just recently become some of Taelyn's many ways of expressing her dislike about...well...just about anything! I knew this phase was coming and I'm using the word phase because I can only hope this is just a "phase" other moms warned me, I had seen it first hand being a nanny and working with children. I guess I always thought it would be something short lived and I could do all the disciplinary techniques I have heard work and be consistent. That all is great and I still am planing on doing all those things but I had also heard this
"phase" that some call the "terrible two's " starts when they are TWO!!!!! So what gives?? I try my best to be patient and walk away and ignore the behavior. Its hard and it wears on you after awhile, especially after a long day when you are trying to get dinner in the oven. Don't get me wrong I would do just about anything to avoid the melt down but it seems they come on at any time without any warning....
She has such a sweet disposition and I should never complain, I have had a really happy, easy baby and am so grateful for that. I just wonder is this a normal behavior and why did it come so early? I was hoping to enjoy one more year before the time outs and discipline started full force. Lets face it you can't really discipline a one year old any how...she has no concept of right and wrong for the most part,so its constant re-direction. Some days I feel like maybe I just want one child. I cant possibly imagine doing this all over again, then I look at her little face and that all goes right out the window and I immediately jump from having NO more to having 10 more! Don't judge but the only solution I have found that works for me is just a little vino to top off the long day :) Just wanted to vent a little and feel free to give any advice on what you may have done...I'm all ears!

ps No pictures on this post, however it would be pretty hysterical to post a video of her next melt down...or maybe not...haha!

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