Monday, August 22, 2011

Temper Tantrums...Oh boy!

!&*$ !!!!!!!!!!!! That's my four letter word for what I think about these sudden outbursts of crying,screaming,kicking and arching of the back that have just recently become some of Taelyn's many ways of expressing her dislike about...well...just about anything! I knew this phase was coming and I'm using the word phase because I can only hope this is just a "phase" other moms warned me, I had seen it first hand being a nanny and working with children. I guess I always thought it would be something short lived and I could do all the disciplinary techniques I have heard work and be consistent. That all is great and I still am planing on doing all those things but I had also heard this
"phase" that some call the "terrible two's " starts when they are TWO!!!!! So what gives?? I try my best to be patient and walk away and ignore the behavior. Its hard and it wears on you after awhile, especially after a long day when you are trying to get dinner in the oven. Don't get me wrong I would do just about anything to avoid the melt down but it seems they come on at any time without any warning....
She has such a sweet disposition and I should never complain, I have had a really happy, easy baby and am so grateful for that. I just wonder is this a normal behavior and why did it come so early? I was hoping to enjoy one more year before the time outs and discipline started full force. Lets face it you can't really discipline a one year old any how...she has no concept of right and wrong for the most part,so its constant re-direction. Some days I feel like maybe I just want one child. I cant possibly imagine doing this all over again, then I look at her little face and that all goes right out the window and I immediately jump from having NO more to having 10 more! Don't judge but the only solution I have found that works for me is just a little vino to top off the long day :) Just wanted to vent a little and feel free to give any advice on what you may have done...I'm all ears!

ps No pictures on this post, however it would be pretty hysterical to post a video of her next melt down...or maybe not...haha!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

We are off to see Grandma...

Its been awhile since my last post. We have been so busy this summer we just got back from Indiana visiting my parents. We took Taelyn a bunch of places while we were there. My parents only live about half an hour outside Chicago so when we are in town we are usually in the city at least 2 or 3 times while we are there. I love Chicago! Its probably my favorite city out off all the ones I've been to so far. Its so clean and there is so much culture and who could complain about the shopping! We couldn't have asked for better weather this day, its wasn't too humid as Chicago often is and it was just perfect!

Sears Tower behind us...(well Willis Tower now)

 It was just us girls on this trip (me, Mom/Nana and Miss. Tae) The boys were on a 10 day fishing trip in Canada. We took Taelyn to the Shedd Aquarium downtown and she liked it but it wasn't as exciting for her as say; Sea World. It was more informational than anything. She did enjoy the giant fish tanks and the penguin exhibit and spending time with her grandma of course. At the penguin exhibit they have a little mock penguin island type thing with a slide and penguin outfits for the kids to try on. I think that was her favorite part of the day, go figure.

Miss. Tae the Penguin

After the aquarium we went to The American Girl Doll store. I had these when I was growing up and had become a little obsessed with getting Taelyn one. Especially since they had just launched a red haired itty bitty baby!!!! YAY! You would not believe how hard it is to find red haired dolls :( Turns out they had just gotten a shipment in that day after being sold out for a while! This is such a cool place to go for little girls! Its 3 sorties of dolls and clothes and everything you could think of for your doll! I cant wait to take her back when she is older. I wish I would have thought to get my camera out and take pictures of her holding the doll inside the store...Mommy was a little more excited than she was I think. Maybe someone should have taken a picture of me holding the doll.

We also drove to Galena a small town about 3 hours outside of Chicago to see one of my Best Friends daughters baptism. The service was so pretty and I was so glad we got to be there. We had great Italian food after and spent time with our very dear friends. This is one of my Best Friends Melissa and her daughter Annalyse at the luncheon after the service.

All in all it was a great trip and It's so hard to leave. Every time I leave I think...Maybe we should move closer to my parents I just love having them there for Taelyn and me too. Maybe some day we will all live in the same zip code again.