Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer Days with my California Baby!

Summer is coming to an end and I'm kinda excited for fall and winter. I love the cool weather and warm clothes after a summer full over 110 degree heat. This summer was so fun though. Compared to last summer when Taelyn was a newborn and we spent much of our time cooped up inside, this summer she was able to enjoy the beach, the swimming pools, the park and so much more! She is defiantly a water baby. I was apprehensive about the beach but she absolutely loves it and isn't scared of the waves at can be a little scary for mama at times when she bolts running towards them! I love watching her play in the water and her face really does light up. Weather its the bath, beach, pool or dad spraying her with the hose she loves it all!

Tubby Time.

Paying in her pool in the backyard.

She was the flower girl.

After Josh and Julies wedding (trash the dress photo session)

Beach Baby
We were also able to make lots of new friends this summer and meet so many other new moms. I have a great support group of mommy friends here and feel so blessed to have them. We all need support as moms on those tough days and I couldn't do it without them. We try and get together at least once a week . We have Winey moms play dates where we go to different wineries in the area that are baby friendly and enjoy a nice glass of wine and conversation while the babies play with each other ( I love these days). We do moms nights out and play dates at the park or other friends houses. It is so great to see Taelyn interacting with other babies her age and she gains so much from it. We recently went to Orange County to see one of my friends from High Schools little girl and she is just too cute! We have known each other since 7th grade and it was so cool to see our daughters together. It was a full circle moment.

Play date at Taelyn's Boyfriend Sawyers house (hes the blonde boy inside the house with her) ha.

Winey Moms Playdate
Gwen, Taelyn and Little Ella at the Beach!

It was a great summer and I cant wait for the holidays to start. Now if I could only figure out what to make little Miss for Halloween, hmmmmmm...